Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Here I am..Lawl me like a hurricane.

I found Gaia only a short 2 months ago (exactly on the 21st because you simply must keep track of your "gaiaversary"). First let me point out that I can not believe I am such a late gaia bloomer. I've been on the internets for as long as I can did this place slip right under my nose?

Hi, my name is Odareu and I'm already a GaiaOnline addict.

In the two short months that my little avatar has been alive I have already made a great deal of friends (including one I have now met in person!), placed 10th in the avatar arena, participated in a massive halloween event and acquired multiple Monthly Collectables. If you donate to gaia, you recieve a gift which changes monthly, therefore making said gift rare.

Anyhow, I've also managed to stay pretty in touch with the general goings on around Gaia. It's quite a feat, I must say. With forums in the upper double digits and atleast 30k users on every day, there's a lot going on.

I intend to share these most interesting moments here. The society of gaia is a complex one, I shall attempt to amuse and entertain with the tidbits I find here and there.

Enjoy! I sure do!

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